Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Auriga (Aur)  ·  Contains:  AE Aur  ·  Flaming Star nebula  ·  IC 405  ·  Sh2-229
A Weird False color Flaming Star Nebula, Edoardo Luca Radice (Astroedo)
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A Weird False color Flaming Star Nebula

A Weird False color Flaming Star Nebula, Edoardo Luca Radice (Astroedo)
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A Weird False color Flaming Star Nebula



Acquisition details



MAPOW number 7

This image is an unusual Hα - SII bicolor composition in false color.

Hα and SII emisson lines lays both in deep red so it is impossible to render color differences in a real way: the only option is a false color composition.

In this image Hydrogen emission has the usual pinkish color due to the Hα and Hβ emission lines.

As said before the SII emission line lays in deep red, but on Earth the cristalline sulfur has yellow hues so my goal wos to render the SII in yellow.

To accomplish My Goal I've used the PixelMath tool in PixInsigth.

The composition formula was:

R Channel: Hα

G Channel: SII

B Channel: 0.25*Hα - 0.75*SII

The B channel formula is very simple the 0.25*Hα acconts for the Hβ emission giving to the Hydrogen emission the usual pinkish color, subtracting the SII emission shifts the color hue of the Sulfur rich zones toward yellow the 0.75 factor is an arbitrary value chosen to render the wanted color.

All the image processing was done in PixInsight


Sky plot

Sky plot


A Weird False color Flaming Star Nebula, Edoardo Luca Radice (Astroedo)

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